Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sunshine Examples 30.4.09

Congratulations to our shining examples this week:

Amina, Mohamed F, Mohamed T, Lydia, Lina (again!).

Well done.

Those who almost made it, keep on trying.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our New Computers

A huge thank you

to Orascom Telecom for our
four (yes 4) new computers.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Salma - 27th April 2009

Happy Birthday Salma.

Have a good day.

Sunshine Example - April 23rd 2009

Congratulations Lina.

You are this week's Sunshine Example.

Well done.

And well done to all of you who came close.

Keep it up.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Class Poems

It's Spring
It's spring.
It's sunny and hot.
We're wearing t-shirts and shorts.
Sometimes we sweat.
But sometimes it's cold and raining.
It's spring.
It's spring.
There are flowers and trees.
Birds sing and build their nests.
We eat peaches sitting on the grass.
It's spring.
by Lydia, Salma, Ali, Hana, Mahmoud, Mohamed F, Alain, Abanoub and John.
The Circus
The lion and tiger jumped through fire.
The clown sat on a VERY small bicycle.
The dogs did balancing tricks.
They were dressed up.
The magician turned fire into a bird.
We were surprised and excited.
At the end we applauded.
We clapped and cheered.
by Lina, Lydia, Salma, Ali, Hana, Mahmoud, Mohamed F, Alain, Abanoub and John.

Things We Like

Amina and Malak
Like butterflies and flowers,
And colouring for hours.

Amina likes her mum and Malak
and pink.
Malak likes her mum and Amina
and pink.

Malak likes playing, and eating eggs,
T-shirts on her top and jeans on her legs.
Amina likes Lydia and Ms Margaret, I think,

Hearts and Ms Neveen,
and pink.

Malak likes chips
and pink.
Amina likes kittens
and pink.

Amina and Malak like playing and Ms Mary and
the Memory Game,

And pink.

By Malak and Amina, 25.3.09

Monday, April 6, 2009

American High School Diploma

Congratulations to Alaa
for becoming our sixth student to successfully complete the American High School Diploma.